Derivative products provide traders with the opportunity to speculate with price changes without owning the underlying assets, and Synthetic Derivatives make no exception. Users can trade different types of financial assets this way, like stocks, indices, commodities, etc. Since the Synthetic Derivatives are traded in contracts, you can take out a given number of contracts, and each of them will be equal to a certain amount of the asset in question.
To better understand the risks that trading with Synthetic Derivatives carries, please make sure you read the Key Information Document, Methodology, and the Performance Scenarios. The risk may occur in several cases due to a rapid asset price change, price methodology, or leverage issues.
We kindly advise you to keep in mind at all times that CFDs and FX are leveraged products, which means trading them can work both to your advantage and disadvantage. As a result, CFDs may not be suitable for all investors because you may lose all your invested capital. Please refer to the full Risk Disclaimer for more information.